Where Are Lucasi Cues Made?

Thanks to Jim Lucasi, Lucasi Cue had taken over the billiard industry for the past two decades. These cues do not only have great designs and structure. People also love the methods of production these cues have. People always want to know more about where they are made.

If you are part of the percentage that have been wondering where are Lucasi cues made, you are surely in the right place. Read ahead to know more about the company itself and where the cues are produced.

Where Lucasi Cues Are Made

Contrary to what a lot of people believe, Lucasi cues are not made in the USA. They are completely manufactured in Taicang, China. It is the same place where the Universal, Predator, and Poison sticks are produced. The factory in China that makes them is called Taicang Pool Cue Factory. 

They have very high standards in the quality of pool sticks. It is known that they categorize the quality of bad pool sticks in two ways: the first category would allow the pool stick to only be distributed in Chinses markets while the other category would result in those pool sticks being thrown out.

Chinese cues are less expensive than American cues. However, even the American cues do not always have all America-produced parts. The production site for Lucasi pool cues along with some other brands is in Taicang. This is because Taicang is one of the woodwork gems of the world. 

The cues are made at a low cost of production as they are made in China. Worker wages in China are much lower for Chinese workers than those for US workers. This lower cost of production allows the company to spend more on the quality of the product. 

American-designed Lucasi Cues

The Lucasi cues are first designed in America by American designers. The design team creates it under the designing lead, and then a specification sheet is prepared. This sheet is then sent to the Chinese factory where the cue is to be manufactured.

How to Identify Lucasi Cues?

Below are some tips to identify the Lucasi cues:

  • See the bottom of the cue and you find the production number.
  • For example, if it says LH59, it means this is a Lucasi cue that was produced in 2009.
  • The number of the month is the first number.
  • The last number will be the number of the year.

Quality and Capability of Lucasi Cues:

Here is some information about the quality of these cues:

  • Most of the newer Lucasi cues have lower defection shafts.
  • They are manufactured with complete accuracy.
  • These cues are produced using only the best materials like leather or Irish Linen wraps.
  • You’ll usually catch them sporting a complete gloss finish.
  • The custom cues come with a much longer 15-inch pro-taper.
  • This makes the shaft in your hands to be more precise and stable, and also makes it feel more comfortable while striking.

Lucasi Cues Have A Lifetime Warranty

The Lucasi cues are not just good in quality. The company also shows complete faith in its equipment. The cues have a complete lifetime warranty. This also means they have quality-control over their products. Retailers have even said that the ratio of cues that are returned is very small.

Purchasing the Lucasi Pool Cue:

They are quite good with prices for entry-level players. These pool cues need a budget of $300-$400. They are available in both variety and wrappings. They can be used by both beginners and professionals. They can take personal orders and make custom pools for you.

The custom cue would be depending on your level of experience and your own preference. The custom pool cues might be longer-lasting and might also play better. This depends on the player as custom ones are usually ordered by an intermediary or higher skilled player. You get your money’s worth.

I recommend you get a good hybrid at a reasonable price if you are a beginner.

The cues have a good resale value once you’re done with them

  • The cues have a good resale value as all players are aware of their quality.
  • Lucasi sticks can last for decades and not become bent. 
  • The old cues could also hit the ball without deviating. 
  • The sticks can sell easily and well for a good price. Even after decades, their woodwork would remain flawless and any player looking for a good working cue would buy it.

The Beginning Of Lucasi Cues

Jim Lucasi began selling the pool sticks about 20 years ago. He first used to import the cues from China and then sell them at a higher price in retail. He named his company Cue&Cue Sales.

His business idea was to put a line of pool sticks on the market that could be used by entry-level players. These players would not have much money and so the prices would have to be very reasonable for these cues. 

The pool sticks are made in a factory where quality is highly prioritized, and there are rarely any defect cues that are made. And for the icing on the cake, these cues also have a good resale price.

This is because Mr. Lucasi’s vision was to make his cues be on par with higher-end, much more expensive cues. They had to be modern and play well just like the costly ones.

The Taicang Pool Cue Factory makes the sticks with lower costs. This allows the well-known business to take advantage of the cost and make better cues that would be easy, comfortable to play with, and durable. He also made sure they would last a long time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the quality of the Lucasi cues?

The Lucasi cues are good quality cues that are made with some of the best materials pool cues can be made of. They use real leather and/or Irish Linen wraps. They can also be custom-made. They can survive in good conditions for decades.

How are the old models of the Lucasi cues?

The old models of the Lucasi cues are also quite good. Although, the older models do not have lower defection shafts like the newer models. They do, however, last for a very long time and still play well. 

Where are Lucasi cues made?

The Lucasi cues are partly made in Taicang, China. The area is very famous for producing some of the best brands in pool cues. Other brands also make produce their pool cue units from factories in Taicang.

Should I use a Lucasi pool cue as a beginner?

This is one of the best cues for newbie players. As I already said, these cues were made keeping the beginners in mind who want to get into playing pool, but can’t afford a good cue. So it is natural that it would be beginner friendly. Bottom line is that, you should indeed use Lucasi pool cue as a beginner.

Are Lucasi cues made in America? 

Like I said, it is made in Taicang, which is in China. They are produced in a Taicang Pool Cue factory where the quality is maintained in every product that is being made. The lowered production costs actually let the company invest more in the quality of the sticks. 

Special Tips

Lucasi pool cues have been around for a long time. For over two decades they have proved the quality and price of their sticks are quite affordable. You can also order custom sticks from them. 

They are good for both beginners and people who have been playing pool for years. You can ask any pool player and they will tell you these sticks are quite good. Ballplayers mostly always know the reputation of a Lucasi cue. If you are looking for a pool cue between $300 and $400, then this may be a nice option for you. 

If you can increase your budget and choose to spend a little bit more on better quality cues that have a sleeker performance, then you can look into the cues made in the United States. These might be a bit costly, but if you are somewhat experienced, this might be a better option for you.


Pool cues have a long history and have over time changed and re-created to become the pool sticks we know today. Lucasi cues also have also become a well-known brand for cue sticks that people are fond of due to their good quality and their affordable prices. 

You can also custom-make cue according to you own needs and abilities. You can also get a lifetime warranty knowing there is one less thing you have to stress about.

Regardless of which kind of cue you opt for, your question about where are Lucasi cues made should have been answered by now. I hope you had a fun time getting to know the place of origin of these cue sticks and found this article informative enough. Be sure to consider my advice while purchasing one though. Have fun playing pool with your Lucasi cue stick!

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