Warrior Foosball Table Review 2023

Foosball is such a sport that requires more of your hands than your foot. But that does not reduce the level of fun. Ask all the foosball players, you will get to know how much fun it possesses.

And if you think you are getting more interested in playing the game with your best friend, you can have one from the Warrior Foosball Table Review. This foosball table has got no restriction when it comes to the skill level of the people. Be it amateurs or pros, any of you can use it up. However, there are a lot more reason that makes it a good buy.

And here in this write, you will get to know quite a lot of them.

Features of Warrior Foosball Table

Let’s have a quick look at the features of this Warrior unit


The Warrior Foosball Table review appears to be long-lasting enough to impress you and make you go for it. Even after coming in a fair price range, the Warrior did not step back to prove it durability.

You will find the table made up of MDF wood that has been incorporated with a laminating layer. The material provides a satisfying amount of durability that frees you from all the worries of it getting warped.

It’s cabinet has been built with a thicker MDF wood that even enriches the stability and durability of the table more.

As for the laminate layer, you will find it mark-proof and scratch-proof.


The Warrior Foosball table has got the most counterbalanced players that move effortlessly at the playing field. 

Moreover, the miniatures also own rigid feet that offer great grip on the foosball table that makes it super fun to play with the squad. The playfield gives an ideal surface to play smoothly.

Besides, the table possesses a great amount of flexibility at the motion that helps more in high-controlled and quick-paced match.

Grip Nip

You will find the rods metal and they are pretty unbendable. Besides, the grips feel comfortable as well to give impeccable folds of hand. The rods happen to be fitted out with flanges that let you avoid the grips to hit the table directly.

So, it eventually works to protect the rods from harming the table’s body.

Moreover, the interior walls of the playfield has been built with a white laminate that is just there to offer a good accessibility.


The Warrior Foosball Table review has been constructed to give a superior control of the ball. The playfield has used a green PVC laminate for material that offers a silky smooth surface to play.

He table has also used urethane material that has helped in providing the ball a much better grip, which means, you will get a great control of the ball.

Wonders Of Legs

Warrior Foosball Table Review
Warrior Foosball Table Review
Warrior Foosball Table Review

The Warrior Foosball Table comes with adjustable leg levelers that give extra steadiness to guarantee a smooth playfield. No matter where you pick the spot to position this table, be it even or uneven, the fact is that the legs of it can be adjusted but you might feel the need of its improvement.

Although it is a very good trait to have this table, there is another disappointment as well. And that is, you will get some severe spots on the table while leveling it.

However, you can sustain a great grip on the surface of the floor. In addition, the table appears to be incorporated with exceptional rubber feet for allowing added grip on different surfaces.

So, you don’t need to worry much about it getting all slippery as it will slipway less than you expect.

Easy Or Uneasy Assembling

The Warrior Professional Foosball Table Review comes with a much clear instruction that helps a lot in assembling the table real quick.

Although, if you are a first time owner, then you might take time, but if you follow the guidelines properly, it’s gonna take just about half an hour.

The table has been constructed to ease fast setup and attaching the rods to the table will feel like a breeze.


The Warrior Foosball Table Review has an exceptional system of rod guards which helps to protect the men from getting stuck with rods.

This kind of guards protect the stuff from getting damaged as well.

The Pluses
  • The table seems to be promising enough to last long
  • Comes with counterbalanced players that move effortlessly
  • The rods are well built and unbendable
  • Adjustable leg levelers show their flexibility
  • Comes with rods guards that help in protecting the men from jugging themselves
  • Easy to control and easy to grip
  • Easy to assemble
The Minuses
  • The legs are adjustable though but they still have some room for improvement
  • There is a chance to get a serious spot when you level it
  • The color of the ball is not very appealing
  • Some of you might find the ball to be a bit slow-paced



The Frequently Asked Questions

How many man goalie are there?

The Warrior Foosball Table review is a single man goalie and has been designed with the classic soccer tradition where you will get 11 men on each side.

The table features banked corners on it keeping the ball in play that eliminates the requirement to have 3 players at the back.

Is the playfield laminated?

Yes, the playing field of the Warrior Foosball table is laminated.

What are the dimensions of the table’s playing field?

The dimensions of the Warrior Foosball Table’s playing filed is: 46.5 inch in length by 27 inch in width.

Can you use the table outdoor?

Yes, you can use the table outdoor. But you will need to ensure that you do not leave it outside in the rain. You will also need to avoid keeping it exposed to severe weather conditions.

Final Verdict

The top of the table has been designed in such that makes it more for home play. Warrior pro foosball table review has been designed in such that you will get much impressed with its classic black look. It comes with chrome rods that are easy to maneuver. 

Besides, the table has all the other features starting from easy assembly to easy play that makes it a good buy.

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